How Many Calories Does Jumping Rope Burn?
Few things in life are as simple and satisfying as jumping rope. Not only is it a great way to get some exercise, but it’s also a lot of fun. And the best part is, you can do it anywhere, anytime. But how many calories does jumping rope burn? Keep reading to learn the benefits […]
Benefits of Weight Training and Jump Roping
Weight training is a proven way to build muscle and increase strength. When combined with cardio, it takes on a whole new meaning of efficiency for losing weight, burning calories, and improving your strength training capabilities. So, how does weight training and jump roping benefit you? Read on to find out the facts about weight training, […]
What is Tabata? HIIT vs. Tabata Training
If you ask, most people will agree that the main reason they don’t work out is time. And let’s be honest, very few people have hours to spare for the gym or long workout sessions. That’s OK because we’re going to explain why you only really need four minutes. Busy schedules exactly why high-intensity interval […]
15 Fun Jump Rope Moves to Boost Your Workouts (With Video Tutorials)
Are you looking to learn some new jump rope exercises? Whether you’re new to jumping rope or you’ve been at it for years, it’s always fun and exciting to learn new tricks and add new exercises to your workout. In this post, we’re sharing 15 fun jump rope tricks and exercises that you can learn and use anywhere to […]
Weighted Jump Rope Benefits You Can’t Miss Out On
Jump rope training is one of the best-kept secrets in the fitness world, but that’s about to change. A jump rope workout touches on everything from conditioning, endurance, coordination, balance, speed, weight loss, footwork, and more. It’s a proven fitness tool that’s been around for centuries. But what happens when you add resistance with a […]